Wednesday 26 July 2017


Milk and honey face pack
Ingredients: Milk, honey, lemon juice

Add a table spoon of milk or milk powder with one table spoon of honey and one table spoon of milk. Mix all the three ingredients well and dab on your clean face. Leave if for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with normal water.

Dry orange peels face pack 

You can make orange peel powder at home by drying the peels in hot sun or else you can buy the powder which is available in the market. Take a tbsp of orange peel powder and add little curd to form a thick paste. Use thick yogurt to avoid dripping. Apply the mask by avoiding the eye area to the face. Leave it for 15 minute and wash it with cool water. You can observe the skin whitening and glowing.

Lemon juice and milk powder 

This pack can be used on alternate days to keep the skin glowing, and remove dark patches and sunburn marks. Mix milk powder, honey and lemon juice and make a paste. Apply on the face and leave it for 20 minutes. Massage the face with warm water and then wash it off.

Almond & banana

You must have known about the banana and almonds separately. But, after combining it you can get a wonderful remedy. Banana has the capacity to increase the elasticity of skin. As this has the wonderful production of skin collagen, getting improved in complexion will be a must. Almond oil in the other hand will provide deep moisturisation. Combine a banana pulp and almond oil 1 spoon and apply on your skin.

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